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The Carnation Revolution, illustrazione di Carolina Marques per Cose Belle Contest d'illustrazione 2022

The Carnation Revolution

Carolina Marques

Milano (Mi), 2022, digitale.

“The illustration shows a military man holding a gun pointed to the sky, but at the end of it there is a carnation.”

“The Carnation Revolution was a military coup by left-leaning military officers that overthrew the authoritarian Estado Novo regime on 25 April 1974 in Lisbon, producing major social, economic, territorial, demographic, and political changes in Portugal and its overseas colonies. Inspired by the question on the brief se do fosse la gentilezza in ogni cuore esisterebbe la guerra?, the illustrations portraits the beginning of peace through an act of kindness: instead of shooting a bullet to the sky and provoking conflicts, he has the carnation on the gun to take is shot through kindness. This was exactly what happened on April 25th 1974.”