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Re-colorful, illustrazione di Noura Abdelhafidh per Cose Belle Contest d'illustrazione 2020


Noura Abdelhafidh

Siggiewi (Malta), 2020, ink pen and alcohol based pens on paper.

“I started my drawing from the rainbow. The world regeneration meant happiness for me and happiness rimes with a lot of colors and obviously rainbow. Then I was very accurate for me but I was wondering how I could spread the rainbow everywhere. This is where the clouds came in, the clouds cannot be grey neither white, they should be rainbow colored. Even the fish and birds also came out from the earth to celebrate together the feast of colors navigating on the space around the planet.”

“I illustrated the regeneration of colors. During the past year, we all had some sort of grey filter over everything. The difficult times started in winter, everything went grey, black, colorless, flat. Even spring and summer did not shine as usual. I am illustrating the regeneration of colors, of brightness because the colors are the symbol of life and a source of happiness.”