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Electric Violin, illustrazione di Francisca Emanuele Cunha Lima per Cose Belle Contest d'illustrazione 2021

Electric Violin

Francisca Emanuele Cunha Lima

Auckland (New Zeland), 2021, digitale.

"Electric Violin is an art that features Violin which ties the story of The creation of Adam in the painting by Italian artist Michelangelo, painted c. 1508-1512. The illustration creates the narrative of the Book of Genesis in which God gives life to Adan the first man. Nowadays, man invented musical instruments and electricity that makes God and creatures astonished."

“This illustration shows the interaction between God with nature and humans with another living being and machines. The reason why I choose this illustration is because I want to create the bridge between God hands who created, the human, the birds and nature related to a human creation who invented the musical instrument, the electric power and machines. This interaction is shown how each element influences the other reciprocally in perfect harmony.”